Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Jamberry Nails! - Calling All Teacher Fingers!

I am so excited to spread the news about this awesome nail company!  I am a busy wife, mother, daughter and teacher and hardly EVER have time to go to the salon to take care of nails, but LOVE to have them done.  I found Jamberry Nails!!!  You can get fabulous nail art, polish look to even a french tip set with Jamberry Nails.  Did I mention it was much cheaper than scheduling time at the salon??? Just $15 mani/pedi Jamberry nails sheet-fingers last 2wks, toes worth the fun!!  Even Katy Perry uses this company for her awesome nail art!  The company has been featured on the Today Show as well!  Come and order some today!  Just click on my Jamberry Nails Logo on the right side of the page!!!  Don't wait to have beautiful nails!  Come like my Facebook page and book either a home or online party and earn a free sheet!!!

and come join my Facebook page HERE!!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Back And A New Product!

Wow! Spring Break went super fast for me.  I enjoyed spending time with my family and kiddos!  Even held my first freezer party where two friends and I made enough freezer meals to allow each of us to take home 10 meals for only 100.00 a family!  Not bad I say, not bad!

My class is starting a novel study reading "Freedom's Fire" by J.P. Trent.  Set during the Revolutionary War, this story fits in perfectly with our Social Studies Standards.  There is however as always unknown vocabulary.  I have created "Monster Vocabulary" a graphic organizer that allows for vocabulary collection and then students choose three of the words to become proficient at by listing the three terms, rewriting the sentence in context and finally looking up the definition of the word as it is used in the context sentence. 

Visit either of my teacher stores to the right for this second great resource!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Break Sale!!

Come and enjoy a 10% sale at my Teacher's Notebook Store to celebrate Spring Break!  I would appreciate any feedback and ratings!  Enjoy your break!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Trip Calculator

I am working on developing our family budget and I was trying to figure out how much per day I spend driving back and forth to work.  I found MY TRIP CALCULATOR and it's awesome! This isn't really school related but I just had to share because this is such a helpful tool to those you need to know how much they are spending so they can create their budget accordingly!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Currently For the Month of March

There are days when I get over whatever fear I have and decide to jump in and try something that I am not normally comfortable SURPRISE I am jumping in to create a monthly "Currently..." on my blog. I don't always feel like I am that interesting or think people really listen to what I have to say, so I am always surprised to hear. "So and So saw that you were doing this or that on Facebook!"

I thought it would be interesting to start this section on my blog to see what others or "Currently" doing or thinking.  Thanks to "Oh' Boy 4th Grade.." for the super cute template and idea to launch this on my blog!  I really like the idea of the like, love, hate too!  I know they are to only be one word but I was having a hard time thinking .... call it testing brain failure!

The month of March always brings the stress of the beginning of our state testing and the itch for warmer weather with the long awaited week break that we call SPRING BREAK!

Like: I like taking hot baths to relax and enjoy some mommy alone time.  I two wonderful small children that I adore, but even us mommies need a break.
Love: I love love helping others.  I think that brings me more joy than anything.  Being able to help, listen, support and bring a smile to someone's face fills my heart with excitement. That is why I started this blog, probably like most others, to share and help!
Hate: I hate state testing with a passion.  I am a strong believer that one or two tests does not always accurately reflect the proficiency of a student.  I wish we somehow could focus on student growth because I have had so many student make immense gains in my classroom, but still not quite reach proficiency in an area.  The state tests have also created testing anxiety in our elementary schools because we stress so much how important these tests are.  I prefer to look at the individual child as a whole and think about what they need to be successful.  This is my soap box and I could go on and on like so many other teachers.

The other big thing that I am "currently" doing is working on developing this blog.  I have tried to at least do three days a week for posting and creating products that I am or have used in my classroom.  I had a family blog that I had created to keep all family updated with what our lives have brought, but with the increase usage of Facebook, that blog has become obsolete.   Yeah for Facebook right!  I was scared to put my thoughts and ideas out because there is always someone who will judge right?  I have looked past that and have changed that negative thought into "Who can I help?"  With that thought the starting didn't seem so complicated.

I have also opened two teacher stores (you can visit them using the buttons to the right).  This has sparked my creative brain again and this in itself is bringing back some joy into teaching.  We get so bogged down by the politics and the HAVE to's that we forget why we started sometimes.

I'd love for you to check out my products/leave comments here/leave feedback or even ask questions so that I can help!  Like I said this is a brand new journey for me and it has brought unexpected pleasure to my life:)

~The Little Apple Teacher

Do You Have a Fun Math Game?

Come link up in my Fun Math Game Linky Party to share your math game idea to use in the classroom!